Electrocution is now the single most important cause of mortality for a number of endangered species, killing hundred of thousands of birds each year.
PDF .معاهدة الأنواع المهاجرة خطوط إرشادية لتخفيف التعارض ما بين الطيور المهاجرة وشبكات الطاقة الكهربائية
PDF IUCN Recommendation: Preventing electrocution and collision impacts of power infrastructure on birds | PDF ALARMED by mounting evidence that a largely unaddressed silent epidemic of electrocution and collision of a wide diversity of birds and bats is resulting from
PDF IUCN Recommendation: Prevención de los impactos de las infraestructuras eléctricas sobre las aves por electrocución y colisión | PDF ALARMADO porque existen cada vez más pruebas de que se está produciendo una epidemia silenciosa y en gran medida
PDF IUCN Recommendation: Prévenir limpact de lélectrocution et des collisions avec les infrastructures électriques sur les oiseaux | PDF ALARMÉ par le nombre grandissant de preuves montrant qu’une épidémie silencieuse d’électrocution et de collisions d’une grande diversité d’oiseaux
PDF Конвенция по сохранению мигрирующих видов Руководство по применению средств, позволяющих устранить конфликт между мигрирующими птицами и сетями электроснабжения.
Supported by
The campaign to make our power lines safe for birds
This website exists to highlight the issue of avian electrocution as outlined in a motion accepted at the 2016 World Conservation Congress, to help those responsible for the management, financing and development of electrical infrastructure to understand the problem – and how they can help solve it.